'Cop Just Because He Looks so Miserable as an ADA'

October 2024 · 3 minute read

In the hit series Law & Order: SVU, there are a number of memorable characters, including Dominick Carisi Jr., sometimes called Sonny, who was once a detective of the squad. Now the ADA, he’s a fierce attorney on the rise, and it’s nice to see him in a different light. Fans recently chose between Carisi as a cop or as an attorney. We have all the details to know.

Dominick Carisi Jr. in ‘Law & Order: SVU’

Carisi has been a part of the series since season 16 of SVU. The once passionate detective has come a long way from his first few years on the squad. He’s worked in a number of different units before finding his place in Manhattan SVU where he helped get justice for countless victims as a street smart detective.

In 2019 season 21, he was made the ADA of the SVU squad. He worked hard to become an attorney, something he’s quite good at. The new transition has been hard on him at times, sometimes putting him at odds with the detectives. Not to mention the stress involved. Fans have even seen him chug Pepto Bismol, showing just how stressful the job can be. But he’s proven himself a capable attorney, even defeating Rafael Barba (Raúl Esparza) in court.

Fans choose between Carisi as a cop or as an attorney

On June 29, 2021, a fan on Reddit wrote a post titled, “Pick ya fighter: Cop Carisi or court Carisi? And why?” They also added, “Doing a rewatch, cop Carisi is it for me. But court Carisi had gotten this new level of confidence, and perhaps a little arrogance. I miss cop Carisi a lot tbh.”

Fans weighed in with their own thoughts, and many fans prefer Carisi as a cop. However, some fans like him as a lawyer as well, which is to be expected.

One fan says they prefer him as a cop because Carisi as the ADA “looks so miserable.” “Cop just because he looks so miserable as an ADA,” they said. “He was much happier while aspiring to be a lawyer.”

A fan thinks Carisi as the ADA isn’t realistic, and they aren’t the only ones. “Cop, I find ADA Carisi completely unrealistic and it’s difficult for me to suspend my disbelief and fully enjoy his character,” they said.

Another fan has a similar opinion. “Cop. Lawyer Carisi is completely unrealistic due to his lack of experience,” they said. “He’s not compelling to watch in the courtroom either.”

“Cop Carisi with the mustache!” another fan weighed in.

However, one fan said, “I love cop Carisi but I’m supportive of lawyer Carisi too.”

‘Lawyer Carisi because I’ve really enjoyed seeing his progression’

Some fans preferred Carisi as an ADA. One fan has “enjoyed” watching Carisi’s “progression” as an ADA in the series, which has surely been entertaining.

“Lawyer Carisi because I’ve really enjoyed seeing his progression from unsure, stumbling ADA to determined, confident, sure of himself ADA,” they said. 

It’s been interesting to watch Carisi start out as an underdog lawyer just getting his feet wet in his new career. A fan “loved” seeing him go from a cop to an ADA.

“ADA, all the past ADAs were already so established and professional some other ADAs felt detached from the rest of the cast which makes sense,” they said. “But I find ADA Carisi bridges the gap well and I loved seeing the progression from him being a cop to finally becoming an ADA. I loved Cop Carisi also but he felt kinda like Rollins b—– at times.”

Many fans prefer Carisi as a cop over his new career as an ADA in Law & Order: SVU.
