Robert Pattinson Bored His Stalker At Dinner: 'She Never Came Back'

August 2024 · 3 minute read


Robert Pattinson has always had an interesting way of navigating his fame. He once even bored a stalker into leaving him alone.

Published on May 14, 2022

2 min read

Robert Pattinson has had his fair share of obsessed fans and even stalkers. One of the actor’s very first roles was golden boy, Cedric Diggory, in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Being a part of such a popular franchise gave Pattinson his first brush with fame. Playing a beloved character meant that the actor got a lot of attention. But even Harry Potter couldn’t prepare Pattinson for the attention he received from Twilight.

Robert Pattinson experienced intense fame after joining the ‘Twilight’ cast

For four years, Pattinson bought the melancholy immortal, Edward Cullen to life. Though there was tons of buzz around the film when Pattinson was cast, he had no idea that Twilight would become a global phenomenon. In fact, it wasn’t until he and Stewart attended Comic-Con after filming the movie that they realized how intense the built-in fandom was. Pattinson was taken aback by the thousands of enthusiastic fans who hadn’t even seen the movie yet.

Of course, the Twilight mania only increased after the film hit theaters. And the obsession with the films (and the actors) only continued as the four additional sequels got released. Over the years, Pattinson experienced thousands of screaming fans, intense media attention, stalkers, paparazzi, and more.

‘The Batman’ actor bored his stalker into leaving him alone

Ultimately Pattinson found ways to deal with all the attention, even avoiding doing normal errands for a while. However, once he took a very unusual approach to a stalker. Apparently, The Lighthouse actor bored her into leaving him alone. Whether boring her was intentional or not is up for interpretation, but Pattinson definitely managed to get her to back off. In an interview with Crème Magazine as reported by TODAY, the actor revealed the hilariously unusual anecdote.

“I had a stalker while filming a movie in Spain last year,” Pattinson revealed in 2009. “She stood outside my apartment every day for weeks – all day every day. I was so bored and lonely that I went out and had dinner with her. I just complained about everything in my life and she never came back. People get bored of me in, like, two minutes.”

Pattinson dealt with screaming fans for years

Clearly, Pattinson found a way to way to ward off his stalker while he was in Spain filming Little Ashes. Of course, as he continued to gain popularity, he couldn’t keep asking his stalkers out for dinner. Still, he found a way to adjust to his intense fame during the Twilight mania. “I don’t [do] too much walking down the street.” Pattinson shared with MTV back in 2008. “I’m always doing interviews or going into rooms where everyone is screaming. I go to different cities in the world for screaming sessions.”
