What Happened On Decision Day?

August 2024 · 6 minute read

The participants on Lifetime’s Married at First Sight season 11 in New Orleans went through more together than the cast members on any previous season. They weathered the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis together, hunkering down in quarantine for four full months of filming instead of the usual eight weeks.

But on October 28, Married at First Sight season 11 finally came to a close on Decision Day. The five couples made their final choices about whether to stay together or get a divorce.

Brett and Olivia

Brett Lindsey and Olivia Cornu didn’t have much to “decide” on Decision Day, having already separated after 10 weeks of marriage. Although Brett and Olivia already knew, and confirmed, that their marriage was over, both had a few lingering questions for (and frustrations with) each other.

Brett told the Married at First Sight experts that he wanted Olivia to work harder to make him feel desired and wanted. Her total lack of affection toward him, he claimed, often left him feeling rejected and alone. He also argued that Olivia seemed more focused on being married and having a husband than on having him as a husband.

Meanwhile, Olivia was frustrated with Brett’s continued mixed signals – like texting her things like “hey cute wifey” after they broke up for good. She still didn’t believe that Brett applied for the show for the right reasons, and she argued that he was a “different person” when the cameras were turned off. Olivia also lamented Brett’s lack of accountability for his actions, insisting that he often gave “excuses” for his behavior.

Needless to say, Olivia and Brett parted ways once again on Decision Day.

Woody and Amani

Fan-favorite couple Woody Randall and Amani Aliyya raved about each other on Decision Day, even leading the Married at First Sight experts to cry tears of happiness.

Amani said Woody “lit up any room he walked in,” while Woody gushed about Amani’s beauty, sense of style, and sweet, non-judgmental nature. He called his wife his “soulmate” and the future mother of his children.

Both Woody and Amani told the experts that their love for each other had changed them for the better.

“When I looked at love, I always wanted to be married,” Woody said. “I wanted to have the happiness. But honestly speaking, I didn’t think that I would genuinely get it. But being married to Amani, it’s like, everything that I didn’t expect, I now have.”

He added that love had much more to do with “safety,” “security,” and “consistency” than he’d ever imagined.

Amani had her own sweet words for her husband.

“I think what I’ve learned about love is that it really can be unconditional,” Amani said. “It’s easy to say, ‘I love you unconditionally.’ But I actually know that to be true now. Your family, of course you love them unconditionally, but I never imagined I would get there with my spouse, especially as quickly as I got with you.”

Despite Amani’s alarming last-minute joke about possibly getting a divorce, both Amani and Woody gave their marriage a resounding “yes” on Decision Day.

Henry and Christina

Henry Rodriguez and Christina had one of the most tumultuous marriages on this season of Married at First Sight, and their final meeting on Decision Day was no exception. Nevertheless, Christina told Lifetime producers shortly beforehand that she was “still going back and forth” on her decision.

Christina’s main complaint was that she and Henry had never “clicked romantically.”

“I never really felt wanted by you,” Christina told her husband.

Meanwhile, in addition to their poor communication and frequent misunderstandings, Henry revealed that he was tired of the “excuses” and alleged “dishonesty” from his wife throughout the process. He still didn’t believe that Christina had ever truly received the infamous text from a mystery sender, claiming he had an affair with another man.

The Married at First Sight experts didn’t seem to buy it either. Dr. Pepper Schwartz suggested that Christina might have accepted the claim as a “ready explanation” due to her pain over Henry’s lack of desire for her.

Henry also revealed that Christina allegedly “blackmailed” him (although he didn’t want to be “dramatic” and use that word, he explained).

“You threatened to hold it over my head,” Henry claimed of Christina’s suspicions about his sexuality. Christina denied ever doing so, but the damage was done.

Both Christina and Henry ultimately apologized for their missteps during the relationship and opted to get a divorce on Decision Day.

Amelia and Bennett

Amelia Fatsi and Bennett Kirschner were a couple to be reckoned with on this season of Married at First Sight. Despite a few minor disagreements, Amelia and Bennett’s only major fear was Amelia’s upcoming clinical residency after her M.D. After giving it some thought, Bennett decided to move to Virginia for his wife’s residency.

The quirky couple told the Married at First Sight experts they were deeply grateful for each other during the stress of quarantine.

“In this moment that we’re going through such strange, intense, unpredictable times, I felt so grateful –for one, to be quarantined with someone that I liked so much, and liked being around,” Amelia said, adding that Bennett had given her another “lens” on the world that she truly appreciated.

Bennett also gushed about his wife, telling her that she helped him “stay afloat” during an especially stressful year.

It wouldn’t be Decision Day for Amelia and Bennett without a little bit of an offbeat moment, and Bennett certainly delivered by getting a tattoo of his wife’s initials on his lower hip to demonstrate his commitment to her.

After Amelia (and the experts) got over the shock of the moment, she wholeheartedly agreed to stay married. Of course, Bennett and Amelia said “yes” on Decision Day.

Miles and Karen

Miles Williams and Karen Landry often seemed to want to move at two different paces in their marriage. On Decision Day, that still seemed to be the case, with both Karen and Miles expressing doubts and a sense of caution about their future together.

Miles told Married at First Sight producers that his head and his heart were in “two different places.”

“My head is saying, ‘You’ve been married for four months, and you haven’t gotten what you need. You should get a divorce,’” he admitted. “My heart is saying, ‘Karen is what you wanted, and what she’s shown you the last three or four weeks is somebody that you could spend the rest of your life with for sure.’”

The issue of physical intimacy was still a sticking point for the couple. Miles confessed that he would have been “very surprised” to know that he wouldn’t have had sex with his wife after four months of marriage. He also admitted that he’d often wondered if his marriage was “worth it” and if Karen could meet his physical or emotional needs.

Still, both Miles and Karen said they felt more of an emotional bond and a sense of trust developing – particularly over the course of the previous month.

While each spouse expressed ongoing concerns about the longevity of their marriage, Karen and Miles both ultimately said “yes” on Decision Day.
